After years of planning and saving we took the family to Disneyland.
In my usually fashion, I googled and asked people thier opinions about EVERYTHING. I typed up a detailed listed literary of each ride we had to do each day of the park, we still missed a ton, even going for 4 days.
The only thing I could not find a lot of information on how Disneyland rides faired with overweight adults. I found a few blogs, only stating that the rides where pretty accessible.
But still, I was very nervous.
I've been to local theme parks before and summer carnivals and often publicly body shamed for my weight. Despite my outward confidence it's still something that bothers me.
I stressed up until we walked into the park, until the very first ride, the first test.
It was Indiana Jones, Mitch went without me because Gwenny was too young.
As it turns out, I honestly had nothing, zero to worry about. Not only where the rides incredibly accessible for the horizontally challenged, the staff were very helpful and discreet. All four days that we were there, not once did I feel judged or shamed about my weight on any ride.
I honestly just want to thank Disneyland, and all the staff. It made the difference in a great family vacation. And made every single of us, instant Disney fans. I can tell you, we will be back, more then a few times.
I think the small world ride summed up how I feel about my Disneyland experience. No matter what part of the world you come from, no matter your age, or size. All are welcome. Because it is a small world after all.
And the fatties money is just as good as the skinny folks 😂